Wednesday, December 24, 2014

GM Experience: Sex in the Holidays

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I recalled a phrase from Rihanna's song S & M

'Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it, Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it,Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me'

It's the holidays now. I can smell the cold breeze in the air as the temperature lowers thanks to the cold Siberian winds (Amihan) stepping in and people tend to relax a bit during these festive season in our country. The winter solstice has arrived with longer nights against daytime experience almost daily till the February to March next year and the expected temperature drop at 19.4 degrees Celsius in Metro Manila and 2 degrees Celsius in Baguio City the other day which means colder days and nights ahead.

Friday, December 19, 2014

GM Experience: A Love and Hate Relationships with Traditional People.

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I must admit that I have an inkling for Japanese, Korean or Chinese looking ladies (Chinita type  or Yellow race) as most red blooded Pinoy would refer them so. So fond of hearing their anime like voices when watching the deed on video or online (voyeuristic thoughts playing in my mind). At one point, I did have a crush on one my classmates in college and even my former students when I was still working in a university. It was bit awkward for us when we talk because we do have different worlds back then when with  most parents of Filipino-Chinese lineage would love to have someone of the same lineage to have their daughters married to a fellow Fil-Chinese or a pure blooded Chinese. I had a crush with Ms. Annie G. who was from another section.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tips to PSP: Education - How Important It is To Get One?

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A lot of people valued education a lot as a treasure they can pass on. My parent have the same principle of giving us an education and providing us the five siblings in our family. I was happy and very grateful to where I am now even if took me some time to figure out what I want in life as I was a "Jack of All Trades" after leaving college. Although, I funded my graduate studies I still need to a lot of help at times in my early years as a young adult to learn  a lot in this lifetime and was also an EDUCATOR at one point in my life.

Before on my encounters with some PSPs I asked some of them on a jolly conversation and most of them have some units in their college education but stopped due to some family issues and problems  arising from these. I do regret to see their education go to waste. Some of them are already in their second or third year level of their college course and needed a few more semesters to complete their degree.

Friday, November 28, 2014

GM Experience: Investing in the Philippine Stock Exchange - The Basics.

Today the PSEi or Philippine Stock Exchange Index or the Phisix (for the older gents) had reached beyond 7,300 as of this writing and breaching possible beyond 7,400 points. Looking back in memory lane. It has been six years when I did my first take in the local bourse. To tell you frankly, I have no idea on how to invest in the stock market back then. I did have excess money and made a blind decision to partake in this eventful time in my investing life. I was beginning my journey as personal finance follower on growing my funds for the purpose of saving up for my education, a small time business, a condo unit, a car and at the same time building a slush fund for my other pleasurable activities. I was totally happy and amazed on the exponential gains on how my money grew from a few pesos to thousands of pesos in a span of four and half years till the joyride of riding the bull was over when that well-known manufacturing companies of spirit and intoxicating drinks decided to get delisted from the stock exchange.

Five years after, I was devastated to learn that company announced it's decision to pullout its presence in the Philippine Stock Exchange and would buy back it shares from small investors like me. I did had a heartbreak on the money I lost. Hardly seen my expectation go into ruins. To many finance experts say it is a paper loss. Yes it may be a paper loss for me but it was truly disappointment for me as a newbie investor in this big ocean full of danger. I did spread my investment portfolio with a balanced fund or hybrid investment fund with a mutual fund company back then if any tragic things happen.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Random Thoughts: My Thoughts on BDSM and Role Playing Sex!

I admit that I haven't experience such a scenario like this in my entire life. Maybe I got hyped with the Christian Grey character on the novel "50 Shades of Grey". Although I never read the book in actual life and just seen on shelves a few months ago selling like hotcakes on bookstores even my female colleagues at work  were talking about this on coffee breaks. I totally have no idea what the fuzz was all about until I saw the trailer presented on ANC News Channel a few months ago and seen some kinky BDSM scenes which TURNED ME ON.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tips to PSP and GMs: Why Create An Emergency Fund

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I learned a lot from financial planner friend who was a very good providing me sound financial advice on saving, investing and putting money for other important things that matters to one's life. He may not my double life and why I am writing this for the PSPs and GMs alike.

He gave us exercise on how to be financially sound and good in case of emergency comes a long the way citing the example of common Filipinos about emergency funds which is nil or zero. Having a buffer when time arises could cushion the impact of income loss in case major disaster, health emergency or other event or incident could happen. These are some of the simple rules I learned from him.

Monday, November 3, 2014

GM Experience: An Indecent Proposal

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I received a private message on my social media account in which I replied to a post from a lady who I assumed was a PSP. I checked on her circle of friends in her social media and most them are mostly GMs and PSPs alike. My hunch turns out I was right and I was reluctant to have answered her post because of undoubted curiosity in meeting her for a casual conversation over a coffee and non-sensual type of meeting (friendly meetup). It turns out she is very much in need at that time. I asked why she posted that tempting post. She had her reasons on posting that because she intends to enroll this coming semester to a nearby college.

In our simple chat, she mentioned that her benefactor got ill and cannot provide financial support for her supposed enrollment. In her despair, she just posted out the need for her immediate need. All she wants is a down payment for her enrollment and plus the succeeding installment of her payment for her college education would be paid in a scheduled dates. I found her proposal interesting and inquisitive with my mind thinking of what scenario she can give me in return.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Random Thoughts: Ghostly Apparitions and Encounters

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In this modern world of high technology and social media era, many people would not believe or skeptical of such things as ghost, malevolent spirits and other supernatural phenomenon because of innovations that have scientific basis for such events. Even if I am in the scientific field, I do believe in such things even if my mind play tricks on me as I perceive or conceptualize it inside my head based on psychological thinking on what to expect. Fear often triggers this thought of being scared especially when things go bump in the night. 

First Encounter:  I did have encounters of ghostly apparition when I was a young boy. At the age of 11, I was able to see a white figure standing at the fourth floor of the school building at night time. We were practicing our presentation for our boy scout / young scout meeting with our scout master and other younger scouts (cub scouts) in the open field bringing along our flash lights with us. The lady appeared out of nowhere. One of my scout mates saw at it as he turned on its flash light on the white figure a few meters away and it was a white lady. We were so scared at that time and we got in a hurry leaving our notes or songbook when we ran for our lives. We told our scout master about it and mention there is a legend that it was a nun who died a few decades ago that hunts the hallway of this private catholic school.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Tips to PSPs: Alternative Learning and Earning a Baccalaureate Degree

A few months ago, I made a post on the plight of PSPs who went to this realm and I was wondering what are the possible ways they can earn their college degree in a very short span of time with less money to shell out. I had this idea of doing some research on the internet and saw a lot of distance learning education accredited by various learning organizations including Commission of Higher Education (CHED). It was a sigh of relief if someone who was forced to stop her education with this circumstances like financial crisis, family problem and other related issues.

A couple of weeks ago, I did received a private message in a famous social media site, it was a indecent proposal with a discrete PSPs who was looking for some generous benefactors to finance their education in which she was taking a very technical course relating to import and export of goods and service in one of the few universities located in Manila. I did not reply back because I am cannot finance her needs and wants for a short period of pleasurable moments.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

GM Experience: A Personal Opinion and View of A Porn star in The Porn Industry

"To get ahead in this industry you have to give your body and soul away to some really creepy old men."

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I was a viewing Facebook Page comment of one AV Idol I liked a few days ago after watching some of her erotic clips on the "Fake Taxi", a European-based porn site. I chanced upon one of her works with this Porn site which usually operates in United Kingdom and Czech Republic. This AV Idol works overseas as a pornographic actress and travels to and from Japan and United States or elsewhere around the globe. Anyways, I got interested with her and the tons of photo of her and what her views about being in the Japanese and US porn industry.She is the first Japanese to venture into the US porn industry.

Monday, October 20, 2014

EBOLA: A Deadly Pandemic to the World

As of this writing, there are an probably 4000 dead people in Western Africa and counting. The Philippines is spared and no Overseas Filipino Worker including our Philippine military personnel working as UN peacekeepers in those hard hit countries were infected with the Ebola Virus. The virus already reached Europe and North America which affected a number of healthcare workers particular nurses caring for the sick who contracted the disease.

Back in college, one of my favorite topics was Virology under the Microbiology class we were taking in pre-medical college course. Ebola is considered a weapon grade bio-terrorists weapon of choice if they could acquire this deadly disease killing millions in the whole world wreaking havoc and despair. The info graphics from Center For Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA show below how Ebola Virus is transmitted, the signs and symptoms and other information pertaining to this illness.

If you care for your loved ones who are either working as OFWs in the African continent. Try to pass this information to them. Knowledge is very useful nowadays. To read more on Ebola Virus visit this link.

Keep Safe Everybody.

Related Posts:

HBsAG: Decoding the illness of Hepatitis B 
A Suicidal Death: What We Should Know
An Interview with An HIV Positive Woman
Gecko Lizards are not the way to go!


Silent Operator Dan, is 30 something heterosexual male. A part-time blogger, adult scene observer / patron and a frustated writer of some sort although he was a former editor-in-chief of his college newspaper. He currently resides somewhere out of the realm of the city limits and dabbles in high finance and business. You can catch him at Follow him on Twitter or Facebook.

Copyright 2011. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Current Events: Hate Crime, Transgender Aggression and Other Speculative Angles?

It has been in the news lately that a former man turned into a transgender woman was killed by a U.S. military personnel on his rest and recreation in Olongapo City recently. It has been sensationalized by the media, the women's right group, LBTG community and the communist cohorts playing as party list members representing leftist movement.

To tell you frankly, I am not against but I do not support LBTG and women's right groups which I know balance the political atmosphere of our nation. I am much against the commies or so called leftist  party list playing around the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) and Enhanced Cooperative Defense Agreement  (EDCA) between United States and the Philippines against possible invasion of Chinese Forces (Chicom) which is actually happening in our economy (flooding our markets with cheap goods which are dangerous and also of low quality) in terms of use of these toys, industrial equipment, cars, motorcycles etc. other than the invasion of some parts of Spratly's Island and Bajo de Masinloc which part of the Philippines Exclusive Economic Zone (Subic Freeport) and very far from Hainan Islands in Southern China.
I begin to wonder why is this transgender woman named Jeffrey Laude aka Jennifer was going out with other men? Was Jeffrey /Jennifer a Prostitute? (see GRP article ). Why was she in the hotel or lodge? Was he or she doing his transaction online? I was shocked to learn that he or she was supposed get married in a few months time in Thailand with German fiance of two years (see report from Inquirer).

Why did the U.S. Marine killed Jeffrey? Was it really a hate crime? Alleged theft or attempted robbery gone bad perpetrated by the victim? Or just plain shame of being duped of this intoxicated young man having sex with a man as well, unbeknownst to him that he is a "ladyboy".

To many angles, to many speculations. I have my opinions and you might have yours until the investigation is finally over. But if the US Marine is found guilty with his crime I'd rather see him rot in a U.S. military prison and serve hard labor at Fort Leavenworth or any US military prison the than rot in ours because we cannot accommodate them here if convicted to serve their time. The law should apply to ours and to United States Uniform Code of Military Justice.

On VFA - EDCA treaties. These should be not removed just because of this small incident by the commies or else we will be sitting ducks again. Just my opinion, to cover the gray areas and amend some provision of this agreements and treaties. Our country's external is already at risk and on threat with the devious plot of an imminent Chinese invasion even if the pivot to Pacific by the U.S. forces is already in progress and we know that the United States owes China trillions of dollars in debt.

Silent Operator Dan, is 30 something heterosexual male. A part-time blogger, adult scene observer / patron and a frustated writer of some sort although he was a former editor-in-chief of his college newspaper. He currently resides somewhere out of the realm of the city limits and dabbles in high finance and business. You can catch him at Follow him on Twitter or Facebook.
Copyright 2011 - 2014. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, October 13, 2014

GM Experience: Loosing my "TRADECRAFT".

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TRADE CRAFT - It was inadvertantly term used among the spy agency particularly the Central Intelligence Agency of USA, MI6 of United Kingdom and Mossad of Israeli Intelligence. I was reading about a document  pertaining to its classical form of Intelligence gathering and analysis. This may sound like a James Bond or Jack Ryan type of action involving espionage, assassination and sabotage just to name a few.  However, this is much of pick-up artist type of moves even though I may not be a James Bond type of guy.

Back in the days, my trade craft is not that at par with some of the masters in the online world. I was a student in the early years (circa 2004 to 2006) learning some of the insights and some open secret and best of all the information passed on to us aspirants or novice. I learned a lot from the masters who were out there in my early years in this hobby. I got to know a lot of their skills and expertise through their posts and sometimes through their conversation on online chats or even private message on the social forum sites they are involved with.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Exhibitionism in the Streets of Manila

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For those living around the Sampaloc, Manila or were students from the famous religious university with a papal seal in the late 1990s to present. You would recall or have encountered the EXHIBITIONIST during night time or in the early hours of the morning? The so called Exhibitionist is a male probably in his late 30s or early 40s by now. Prowling the streets of Sampaloc during wee hours of the morning. The guy usually scouts the area where there are ladies dormitory were most residents are female college student within the vicinity of this area. Unbeknownst to them the perpetrator is on the lookout for their hapless victim.

Friday, July 25, 2014

A Suicidal Death: What We Should Know About.

I never have a notion or a clue how come people tend to commit suicide and end their young live when living in this challenging world is alright. Have they lost their minds with their problems from peer pressure, expectations, the future and a lot more...

I never knew the reason why some of these hapless individual especially a parent or a loved one asking me questions especially when that person died of a tragic death without leaving a note or anything to say his reason. I can share to you one experience when one of my former student who committed suicide at their home which happened more than a year ago. His parents, friends, colleagues and loved ones were so very anxious and saddened that their son and friend died of a tragic demise and are seeking answers to all the questions that were unanswered. No clues, no note what so ever with his newly bought mobile phone has no telltale sign whatsoever of a leaving something behind. He even inactivated his Facebook account a few hours before he committed suicide and said his last farewell to his 8 year old niece. Sad and tragic

Back in 2006, a high school batch mate and one my first few friends in elementary committed suicide at their home. He hanged himself in the bathroom of their home. Tied in a  Many were shocked about the incident. My friends would tell me he was doing fine on his break-up with his ex-girlfriend. I did not know the reason why he needs to kill himself because it was not the end of the world if their relationship gone into SPLITVILLE. I guess he got to depressed and he couldn't let go of the emotions and feelings which he still has in himself. Maybe he had no friends to talk to or just lost his mind on her ex-girlfriend.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

HBsAG: Decoding the illness of Hepatitis B

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Have you taken your Hepatitis B Vaccine shots lately?

I am very aware of this dreaded disease since I finished college and after finishing up Clinical Microbiology subject in our junior year on pre-med. Our lecturer was a seasoned professional scientist and researcher and was delighted in discussing this matter about Virology (Study of Viruses) on the latter part of that semester on how it works and how it can affect a life of a ordinary human being. In my opinion, it is far worst than HIV/AIDS if you get in contact and inflicted with such illness. Compared to HIV/AIDS which takes three months to incubate on a window period. Hepatitis B can only take a few days to replicate and even be detected in your blood using lab tests available in the clinical laboratories and hospital. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

GM Experience: JAPAN-bound LOVE? - My Experience with an female friend turned Japayuki.

It was early 2003, I was on my way home from internship or on-the-job training when I got off E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue in Cubao. I got out of the jeepney and crossed the road from Monte de Piedad Street near to get on to a nearby bus stop for a return trip to school where I attended my university years somewhere north in Fairview area. As I crossed the street to that destination on a shortcut I chanced upon this building with the ground floor with open-wide windows and probably 10 or more ladies performing a dance number. I am sure these girls maybe going to Japan to as Japayukis?

I just stood a few meters from window and watch them perform. I was so amazed and thrilled with their performance and stood there for a few more minutes before going to EDSA and into school to finish a news article for our college news paper and visit the small bungalow home I am sharing with a classmate and study buddy from Las Pinas who we rent since third year. In a short while, a young lady appeared on the window drinking from her water bottle after pausing for a short break. I decided to leave after 5 minutes and went on to my priorities because I will be taking an one hour ride to Fairview.

Monday, June 30, 2014

An Interview with An HIV Positive Woman

A few years ago, I was still working for a well respected medical institution somewhere in Metro Manila. I was tasked by one of  the senior medical resident to conduct an interview of a mid-50s woman who was awaiting for her queue outside the ICU waiting. I let her inside on one of the cubicle of the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital which was empty. Before conducting some actual interviews, I made her feel a little bit comfortable with my approach and gave her a pen to fill-out the consent forms prior to HIV/AIDS testing and so we went to room to conduct a private matter relating to her test.

She was a bit nervous about it as when I was about to conduct an interview with her personally. I did asked her some funny and outrageous questions regarding her sexuality? Like how many multiple sex partners did she slept with, Having sex with same gender? She did answered truthfully about it. Did she already had information about HIV/AIDS which transmissible through blood transfusion, sexual contact and others which is kind of a short orientation on the topic of this illness before undergoing blood collection and testing which is mandatory under the current Philippine HIV / AIDS Law (Republic Act 8504). As I became serious on discussing her a bit of the disease which still felt apprehensive. Usually an HIV/AIDS consent for testing interviews are usually conducted by either a Physician, Nurse, Medical Technologist or even a Medical Social Worker trained or oriented to handle cases like these. Still "PATIENT CONFIDENTIALITY" is still practiced in order to protect the identity of the patient suspected with this illness.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sex Education: This is what our children need right now!

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Learning Sex Education should be FREE and ACCESSIBLE.

Before HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Health Law and others. Sex education was still at its infancy then but still our teachers in science class are discussing about basics of human reproductive system. One of our lecturer then when we were in 6th grade was a medical doctor who turned into a politician and high profile government figure a few years ago. We attended his half-day lecture-seminar in our school library and the section were present. He lectured about sex and discussed it a bit in a creative way to address the needs of us 11-12 year old boys and girls then who were educated in private religious Roman Catholic school. I can still recall the time when a male classmate of mine was feeling awkward when he hears the word "SEX" during the discussion. He did admit to us that he was a bit horny and had his penis erected with those words when the lecturer was discussing this. Come to think of it during those elementary it made me laugh at him for being a "schmuck" up till the present.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

GM Expericence: KULIGLIG - What are they?

I recently received a private message from a young man who was asking me about the so-called Kuliglig?

Q: I am a new MP patron and I heard about the term "kuliglig" on a one well-known Philippine sex related forum when I read the thread. What are they?

A: To give you some idea what the kuliglig are:

Just to give you an idea of this and also for the foreigner who want to try our local hospitality. In Pinoy /Filipino term or jargon it has two variations. First of all it is an insect which can be found in wooded areas and produce a distinct sound. The kuliglig in English are called cicadas and not crickets. The second term, kuliglig is a two-wheeled tractor turned into a vehicle or a contraption used in agricultural areas and even in the streets of the City of Manila which was banned this year with local ordinances passed by the local government units or the mayor in order to alleviate traffic accidents and incidences of petty crimes in the city.

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Although you cannot find this term on Wikipedia. In the local MP Industry, Kuliglig is the term for girls NOT available for viewing at the aquarium, usually they are either new or not part of the MP stable. They are usually doing side works or part-timers as MPAs and not a regular therapist. Although some have no formal training in massage which is irrelevant looking for those who prefer the extra service anyways. Let me ask, do you go to these massage parlor alone for the massage or for the kinky part? If you don't like the available ladies at the aquarium or the see through window. You can ask for them anyways.

How Can A Patron Avail of Their Services?

You can visit the friendly massage parlors that provide extra services nearby and just nicely ask the Floor Manager (FM) or  so called "barong" which can help you choose of your liking for these ladies and if they are available. They usually have them well hidden and out of sight of the regular MPAs. You can have a close inspection of these ladies courtesy of the FMs / barongs on a specific room of the establishment. Some are hidden gems others are not. So its a hit and miss thing and still the YMMV (Your mileage, may vary) on these ladies on how they perform.

Their Service Fees?

It is the same as a regular MPA too. You can just an add an extra tip if you like the service given by the Kuliglig MPAs. The standard fee may vary from MP establishments so better to research and do homework.

Where to Find Them?

These MPAs may be available in some establishment or may not be available. Better to ask the Floor Managers first (barongs).
Silent Operator Dan, is a 30 something heterosexual male. A part-time blogger, adult scene observer / patron and a frustated writer of some sort although he was a former editor-in-chief of his college newspaper. He currently resides somewhere out of the realm of the city limits and dabbles in high finance and business. You can catch him at Follow him on Twitter or Facebook.

Related posts:

MPAs aka Massage Parlor Attendants: A worthwhile experience. 
Relationship with a PSP / MPA ... Learning the hard way!

Copyright 2011 - 2014. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

GM Experience: Back in The Hunting Grounds?

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It's been more than a decade since I left college or the university and completed my university degree. I did have a promising career with the profession I chosen before and I did love it. But a month ago, someone from my Facebook friends sent me a message and was asking where you can hunt for an instant pick-up. I did answer some stuff but technically everything requires the so-called "TRADECRAFT" of being a pick-up artist. Although I am a novice and still learning the ropes of the tricks in this game at that time. I started as a wannabe myself during those early days. To tell you, I am not a professional P.A or the so-called snipers and it wasn't easy.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

What have I Learned with a TESDA Technical Training Course

I never imagine myself being a student again training in a TESDA course. I was on day off at that and I saw a bunch of guys doing Electrical Stuff. I really wasn’t engrossed on this but I got curious and approached by my dad who was observing with some City Employment Service Officer from our local government unit and a TESDA accredited trainer named Mr. F.

Mr. F. invited to come and asked me to fill up some forms and I eventually got on board even if I was a day behind schedule. The course was NC II Electrical Installation and Maintenance. I am really up to this right now being the so called Electrician or just plain “ALAKTRICIAN” a drunkard to loves to play with electricity while being drunk at work or in a GM terms “NAKURYENTE” (being infected with Sexually Transmitted Infection) or Sexually Transmitted Disease. Such a butt of jokes indeed.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Career Shift: Leaving the PSP Industry…

I wonder what happens to a PSP who finally decided to leave the industry for good and would like to settle back on being a normal person again. I asked one of the PSP I knew before she retired from the industry and into the next chapter of her life. I was totally amazed of her decision to let go and move forward although I have missed our conversations over a coffee and rendezvous at one point in life. Not knowing if we can still meet again since it will be our last conversation as a guest – client at that time. It takes a lot of guts to step out of the shell of being PSP and changing herself as an ordinary Jane which is a metamorphosis of new positive life. Everything in being a PSP is all TEMPORARY and NOT PERMANENT SOLUTION especially with financial burdens and poverty. It is a hard fact that there are many dependents to support making them breadwinners of their families and feeling the brunt of it without being comforted by their own loved ones. Some ladies love the piece of the action and do this for just for fun of in making extra buck. Others are living independently from their parents and are supporting themselves on their studies and defray personal needs to cover daily expenses from school or other works.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Evolution of the Philippine Sex Online (Part 2)

Online Forum Site (2004 to 2009)

Photo credits (MTC) started in 2003 as a social media forum site ran by B$zm@n aka C.V. in his real identity or still another identity? Although he is added on my current Facebook account. I only met him once in 2013 on one social event with other forum site (We are NOT personally close, just acquainted guys) as an invited guest in that particular party. MTC has paved the way and started everything up from scratch with a few members to hundred thousands of legion of user or forum members who are using his website. It is the grand daddy of all adult themed forum sites before everything else came out. It expanded from social issues, buy and sell, and even some off topic that people share especially their stories and still remaining anonymous. The law enforcement agents still love to deploy and scout for leads on this site for undercover work in ridding off alleged online prostitution even though there are lots of online forum that spawned in the past few years. The site had mellowed down from recent years in my opinion with law enforcement agencies clamping down on this site against the so called "P" which is the oldest profession in the world.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Evolution of the Philippine Sex Online (Part 1)

I have seen how this forums have grown multiplied, proliferated and died out in the past decade. It was an amazing and yet a great opportunity to see, delve and find some treasures in the past decade of my enlightenment with internet capabilities slightly introducing itself as a format of it all. The law enforcement agencies are keeping up pace with the modern times and technology in enforcing laws with the help of news media personalities such as Mike Enriquez of Imbestigador (GMA 7) and defunct-XXX (ABS-CBN).

In my college years in the late 1990s to early 2000s I was a naive college kid and was having a great time on being independent and living away from my parents. I did experiences the dorm life with fun, enthusiasm and  troubles as well. I never had a checkered life like the privileged rich guys who had great time boozing around I was an ordinary student going through and struggling with my everyday life on studies, friends and even love life.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Tales from Mean Streets: My view on this Pick-up Places and Opinions on Solicitied Sex.

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I was reading a thread from a adult-themed forum site a few days ago. I was recalling a few incidents that happened to me in the mean streets of Metro Manila when I was younger. As I recount on them, it is somewhat vague, hilarious and sometimes annoying. Anyways, I will keep some tab on the experiences I had before.

My College Freshman Year

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I was in my freshman year in college (1999), I rode the LRT 1line from R. Papa Station to Monumento after calling the night of having drinking sessions with some college buddies when I stumbled upon an mature looking woman (probably in her late 20s to early 30s) after I got out of the platform at 5:15am and on to the lower platform to get outside of the station, the lady was calling me with a loud remarks (Psssst! gwapo pwede tayo mag-short time pang-kape lang pauwi na kasi ako). She was asking me for a solicited sex on a nearby motel so that she can call it quits also for the night. I wasted no time in getting out of sight of that lady and immediately rode a FX taxi going to Valenzuela even if I was a bit drunk and still able to come to my friends home safe. Never in my imagination that a street walker would pounce on a innocent teenage guy like me. Besides, I am not interested in her. Before, they proliferate in the Ever Gotesco Mall before or in the vicinity of this area but I am sure if the modus operandi of this ladies still exists.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Taboo on Bestiality in our Society

Photo by Wikipedia
I was shocked to see that ZOOPHILIA does still exist in this country as it was reported a few days ago on national television and was spreading like a wildfire in social media as most of the netizens and animal welfare groups are on a rage against the person who was doing this act on the innocent animal. It is disheartening for me to see a man having intercourse with his canine friends with people obsessed of having these sexual fantasies.