I just stood a few meters from window and watch them perform. I was so amazed and thrilled with their performance and stood there for a few more minutes before going to EDSA and into school to finish a news article for our college news paper and visit the small bungalow home I am sharing with a classmate and study buddy from Las Pinas who we rent since third year. In a short while, a young lady appeared on the window drinking from her water bottle after pausing for a short break. I decided to leave after 5 minutes and went on to my priorities because I will be taking an one hour ride to Fairview.
The day after, I went again on usual path of seeing the sight of the dancers plus to catch a glimpse of the pretty young lady that caught my eyes. I stopped and watched their dance routine with an individual interpretative dance. I asked the guard of the compound if that is a dance studio? The guard said, Yes sir, it is a dance studio cum recruitment agency for Japan-bound entertainers, Oh really? "It is a POEA accredited and in good standing" as what the guard mentioned. I asked if he can let me in the compound? he replied, "Okay sir, you have to present your ID". I let him show my university ID to let me in as I watch the graceful sway of their hips and gyration of their body to the rhythm of the music. As the training ends, I was able to catch a glimpse of the young lady I wish to meet. I asked the guard who that lady was? He said, the young lady is a recent recruit from Cebu. I said my farewell to the guard as I left the building and went on to my business. Two days have passed, I visited again the place and I mustered all the courage to introduce myself to that lady with that feeling of nervousness as I said "Hi, I am D******" to her. She has this welcoming smile as she said her "HI, My name is EMMA". She asked me if I was a nurse (in a bit of Cebuana accent)? I said " OH NO". I am not a nurse but student taking up my pre-medical course in B.S. ****************** and probably have the intention of venturing to a healthcare career in the near future. I had the urge of shaking her still sweaty hand after she rub it off with her clean towel and she was smiling as she introduced herself. She kind of got of interested with me as I was talking to her in a nice but a bit subtle kind of a bit of smooth and easy conversation.
As I get to know her better, I asked Emma a lot of questions why she decided to venture in being a dancer rather than pursuing her studies. She mentioned that she was doing this for her family because she has intent of helping her other younger siblings support their education. It is the only opportunity she knows. She mentioned to me that she was previously taking a four year business course (BS in Business Adminstration possibly) in Southwestern University in Cebu City. She managed to finish her freshman year before she totally dropped out of the program because of financial problems. She did work for a year for a famous fast food restaurant chain to augment her small income and save for the second year but it seems that luck had ran out of her so and she decided to leave for Manila after her contract was done with the restaurant she was working before. I am so saddened with the flight of this pretty young talented 19 year old lady who would drop out of schooling and had been hopeful of fulfilling her tertiary education. This has been a typical sob story of women ending up lost and find new opportunities outside of the country.
One day, we exchange number and later became text buddies as it led into a bit sweeter times with her. Telling her everyday of all the sweet nothings. She was a bit naive at times because she was from the province. I find her alluring and thrilling to meet her once in a while at the studio till I sent an SMS to her one night if I can have a date with her at the SM Megamall? She was hesitant at first and let took the time and liberty to decide on this offer of friendly rendezvous and she definitely said "YES" 24 hours after. I asked where can we meet and what time? Is 6 pm, Saturday ok? She said yes! Is Pizza Hut okay she said YES again. I am so reluctant to have that wonderful moment.
Saturday, came and I was feeling lucky at that time and we got into Pizza Hut on my treat. Lo and behold, she was more prettier in her simple casual outfit on her 5 foot 3 inches slim and sexy frame with that fair to white complexion. I can't take my eyes off her as we talked and shared stories and insight for an hour and a half on what we had done on the day. I told her of my day at my on-the-job as my graduation is nearing by October (I am a midyear graduate) and would be completing some requirements for this event and reviewing for my licensure examination for next year. She was a bit envious about me of finishing my studies and bit by bit I am fulfilling my dreams. She said, she said she wanted to build her dreams too and don't want to give up on that dream of settling down for good in Cebu or here in Metro Manila when her siblings have finished their studies. She confessed that she envied me a lot. I assure her that every dreams are possible just have the right attitude on it in achieving that goals. We got into the mall movie hall holding our hands together like a couple. She gave me kiss on my cheek during the start of the film and I did blushed a bit. That experience was so momentous that I am asking myself are we really a couple now? Really?
A few months have past and it was nearing Christmas break of 2003 that her stay in Quezon City was ending and her training is over. She was planning to go back to Cebu at that time to visit and spend some time with her family and siblings. I said, will I still be seeing you? She said Yes (gave me a kiss on the cheek which is a bit embarrassing in the public), we will see each other by next year and I have to get my passport in DFA Pasay and my Japan Employment Visa for Entertainer in Japanese Embassy through my recruiting agency. We said our goodbyes on 15th of December 2003 on a ship bound for Cebu in Port Area Manila. She gave me a wallet size photo of her. She mentioned this words "I will come back and don't worry, Darling". Almost two weeks have passed, I was ecstatic and thrilled of that day to meet her in new year of 3rd or 4th of January 2004. I asked, where will you be staying? She said "I will be staying in Pasig on my aunt's house temporarily during the waiting period till my flight to Tokyo. I will text you the address soon.
I was asking myself if is she really the one for me? We were both sweet and have the inklings of a a great young couple. I was 21 and she was 19 and I was thinking that are we really meant for each other or we just both loved each other? It has been a question I am trying to answer in my mind? Until, I pop the question if we are moving to a next level in our relationship as friends. She was confused with me if I was courting her we were just best friends / close friend and confidant when we both share our minds, our problems and youthful angst on the world we live in and the system we follow in our lives with respect to social norms of the society.
I received a text from her saying "I am sorry, I can't accept your offer for love and affection, You have been the best male friend I ever had and I will never forget you". I was busted with the explanation of hers and asked her again the reasons for that "She mentioned of her social class in life wherein her family is poor and he intends to be the breadwinner of her immediate family". I was so disappointed with her answer on my questions because she is motivated and had goals to where they are the PRIORITY and not me. It turns out that hearts are broken after all before the painful separation begins first over a long distance relationship I was expecting to undergo with. She broke it off knowing that love for me is her least priority for now. I can't blame her and I was so furious about it because I hope to fall in love again after recuperating from a previous relationship with my ex-college sweetheart back then. She was crying even if she didn't intend to hurt me at all on saying no and moving to the next level. I was asking was to give us a chance for love but it felt hard like being run over by a car. I was thinking I was fooled by her but I believe the chance was over and not being selfish of her motive of providing for her family.
It was a life changing experience again for me. I view it as a personal experience of enlightenment of meeting her. We were both young and were leading separate lives and far apart in different worlds after the so called break up back then until I was hoping we crossed our paths. I don't have a contact or even a lead to keep in touch with her up until now after the Friendster before as social networking that turned into a gaming site. On my last view of the Friendster profile. She has a Japanese boyfriend who is 10 to 15 years her senior. I never look back again on seeing her happy and fulfilled life with her boyfriend. I have moved on for good and let go.
Silent Operator Dan, is 30 something heterosexual male. A part-time blogger, adult scene observer / patron and a frustated writer of some sort although he was a former editor-in-chief of his college newspaper. He currently resides somewhere out of the realm of the city limits and dabbles in high finance and business. You can catch him at http://theconfessionsofayoungman.blogspot.com. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook.
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