Photo: / ANC News Channel |
Reflections of the past, mementos for the future of my adult experiences.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Ready, Aim, Shoot!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
GM Experience: Drunk on the Holidays!
Christmas time is here and a lot of people are in for the festivities of the occasion.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages is very high in this time of the season and it is an accepted practice among Pinoys to drink. However, most people tend to forget their responsibilities when drinking and should remember that it should moderation and in social function. Saving themselves from being drunk crazy and into troubles or embarrassment on this times.
I have seen hapless people getting into accidents or being caught for Driving Under Influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) on major highways and road. I too got into the drinking festivities with some heavy drinking buddies and got home in one piece and my car intact on the momentous Christmas Party and Barbeque with boys in the company three years ago. I swear to myself that I will not take my car if I am going into this drinking spree and would rather ride a taxi or a bus instead or stay for the night in a friend's house just to be safe.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
The Christmas Breakup: Relationships going Splitville!
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Photos: |
A few days ago before the holidays, I recently talked to a friend in the office. I saw her past by feeling sad and miserable. She was a bit apprehensive and frustrated on one of our conversation at break time. She was not keen on saying something with what happened with her beau lately until a few minutes later in the middle of the conversation she told the truth that their relationship went SPLITS VILLE a few days ago before Christmas. She was crying and we (me and another office mate) gave her a hug and a little piece of advice on this types of situation as her friends and colleagues when she needed someone to give her emotional boosts on that they day on. I felt awkward like an old man giving advice to a young girl. To tell you she was 13 years my senior and less than a year working in the company and I was her boss.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Help The Survivors of Super Typhoon YOLANDA / HAIYAN
This is a composite image incorporating data captured by the geostationary satellites of the Japan Meteorological Agency (MTSat 2) and EUMETSAT (Meteosat-7), overlaying NASA's 'Black Marble' imagery. |
Five days after the onslaught of Super typhoon Yolanda
(International Code: HAIYAN) had made a great devastation in the 21 provinces in
the Visayas Region including some parts of Northern Mindanao and Bicol Region
(Southern Luzon) were hit by this catastrophe.
The aftermath is extensive with forms of communication and power was
cut-off, basic goods and necessities such as food and water are gone and some of the people have
resorted to looting out of desperation.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
I have been away in a few months and haven't written in this blog after the PORK BARREL SCAM and the Online Employment Opportunities.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
No Job or Employment? Work Online!
"According to "The State of Filipino Freelance Market" study from Elance, Filipinos rank fourth in number of registered users in the online freelance marketplace, with 95,490 users, and ninth in freelancers' earnings with $7.7 million. They are also leading freelancers at Odesk and"
More videos of being Freelance in the Philippines via Youtube.
Copyright 2011 - 2013. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
In the past few years, many of the technically savvy Filipinos are joining the ranks of people working online worldwide. Working Freelance is gaining popularity these days and it has become convenient for most of the people to work at home and have more family time. With estimated Unemployment at 6.7% to 7.5% this 2012-2013 it is still very high based on National Statistics Office (NSO) and NEDA Reports.
Previously, Filipino Freelancers are on 9th spot but have reach the 4th place as outsourcing service providers for online services such as BPO, creatives, technically services and others.
A few months ago, a US based online freelance platform has appointed Ronald M. Cirujano as their country chief based out of Manila.
As many are asking, what type of work would an freelance online worker expect?
It can be a basic data encoding, research, writing press releases, answering email inquiries and many more.
There are a lots of potential employments for those seeking extra work or doing some side projects or other than the full-time work.
-- More videos of being Freelance in the Philippines via Youtube.
Silent Operator Dan, is 30
something heterosexual male. A part-time blogger, adult scene observer / patron
and a frustated writer of some sort although he was a former editor-in-chief of
his college newspaper. He currently resides somewhere out of the realm of the
city limits and dabbles in high finance and business. You can catch him at
Copyright 2011 - 2013. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Why I am against PORK BARREL!
It was a wild ride since the day when the Pork Barrel or Priority Development Assistance Fund Scam was exposed by several whistle blowers. One of them was kidnapped by the mastermind or perpetrator for exposing this horrendous act to our fellow Filipinos. The scam had been the talk of town for the past few months and many people are wondering where the funds are going. I was clueless at first because I believe it went straight to a politicos pocket but it wasn't that way. It was clean through a fraudulent foundations created by these scammers and the some of the politicos have a share of it leaving no paper trails.
The truth had come out and it was a sad fact that the money we paid is going through their pockets.
Photos courtesy of |
It is such an act of thievery with the hindsight of helping the less fortunate especially the farmers or the agricultural sector who should be benefiting from this funds in order to make their produce of fruits, vegetables and rice more of good quality plus helping this forgotten sector up its knees. Most of the so called politicos are acting blind about it and they themselves pocketing money through the foundations they are involved with including Janet Lim-Napoles foundations which are in cooperation with these political bigwigs.
26th of August 2013, It was the a National Heroes Day (Philippine Holiday)
when the 1 Million People March to Luneta happened. I admit I missed
this opportunity and event to participate as a tax payer and hailing
from a middle class family working my daily grind and paying my dues to
this country I dearly love. I do sympathize with these people who
gathered in the 1 Million March to Luneta Park and Quirino Grandstand in the City of Manila.
Infographics courtesy of |
With Janet Lim-Napoles in custody of the Philippine National Police, she would shed more light on her testimonies on the shady deals and agreements from corrupt government officials if she testifies to a senate or congressional inquiry and even if it goes to the supreme court.
Copyright 2011 - 2013. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, July 26, 2013
GM Experience: Exploration of KTV Through a Balikbayan's experience.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Local Sex Trade: A Brief Introduction.
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The International and Local Sex Trade is big and there are many Filipino women working locally and abroad in the flesh trade as sex workers whether it be in the streets of Manila to Wan Chai District in Hong Kong, Singapore's Geylang area and some brothel in the African country in Ivory Coast for example wherein they are mainly catered to fellow Filipino expatriates (OFWs) or Asian men (Mainland Chinese or sometimes European expatriates to be exact) only just to name a few.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
GM Experience: The Pros and Cons of Being a Nutty Instructor.
This happened a few years ago, I was a newly hired as a part-time college instructor in one university somewhere in the Metro Manila. I was a young guy just fresh from the intricacies of corporate world and had recently completely at least 33 units of graduate studies in one of the top university in the country. I was looking positive in this new job of imparting and teaching something for my students and
incorporating some of my knowledge gain from my years of experience with
the company..
Optimism was on my side and I felt totally nervous on my first day of classes. I was given a class of 44 college student and on the first day of classes I sat on one of the student's chair. Waiting for the class to come and was so excited about it. On that occasion they were waiting for their instructor not knowing that I am the instructor because they were mostly not wearing their uniforms and most of the are on their civilian outfit. I was silently laughing pretending I was just a transferee student or irregular student from their block section sitting at the farther back of the class chairs. They were talking and laughing till I decided to take over and stood up. It felt like the scene from Catch Me If You movie (2002) minus the pushing and the old woman berating me and being the substitute teacher. See below:
Monday, July 15, 2013
A few days ago, a reliable source among the community told
me of a recent stake-out of cops from one particular city in Metro Manila. Let’s
hide her name as “DILAG”. The law enforcement agents made an entrapment operation
on some of the ladies who have posted their wares on a notable foreign-based website who are plying the trade online. She was caught with this undercover agent in last week were she was held in detention for a few
hours without bail. The police effort
made a large effort of cracking a case and arresting her and the rest of the ladies as it lead
from one arrest to another. Dilag and
the others were being coerced by the cops on a trump up charges of being a pimp
or as a human trafficker and trying to use the “PALIT-ULO Technique" (or telling
them the whereabouts of other John /Jane Does in exchange for her freedom and vital information she has).
They were interrogated and questioned by the cops who arrested them.
The poor ladies were threatened with such harsh words of being imprisoned, being
used as bait or as informants or assets to their next operations on arresting
perpetrators such as drug dealers, prostitution patrons of those who were part
of some gatherings or happenings by the so called JOHN DOES roaming around the
city. If she will be caught either she will incarcerated on the charges or will
be sent to Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) for rehabilitation depending on the severity of the case. Their
mobile phones and some cash were confiscated by the cops.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
I am gaining weight again.

To tell you, I have lost track of playing sports for the past few weeks. I really never like the idea of hitting gym but I tend to do running twice a week to maintain my ideal weight and at the same time to be fit but lately, I was pestered with a different working schedule wherein I need to supervise my colleague at night time plus the heavy rains and thunderstorm affect the running park where I make 30 to 45 minute runs is all wet and dirty.
Being the senior and leader of the team is a very stressful situation for me. Making sure things are going smoothly during my shift and no incident reports of whatsoever pass to the higher echelons of the company I have worked for 7 years and counting.
Back then, I was typically a average Pinoy size when I was in college after tremendously tons of this hard baby fats where gone after tremendous work out and sports activity in my youth. During my junior year in college, I didn't go home for two straight months in my flat and my mother haven't seen and was very worried about me living away from them for the first time. I chose to be secluded to concentrate on my studies. I was then taking up my pre-medical course in college with the hopeful thought of breaking out to medical school.
I remembered those words: "Gosh son, what happened to you?". I was skinny thin then and turned dark from being out of the sun at that time. Because school and house was a mere 500 meters but the heat of the mid-day sun turned my skin complexion at bit tanned like I was on a beach for the past few weeks.
Recently, I was preparing for a 10 kilometer run this April but it seems my schedule has taken it's toll with the work, projects outside of this realm and it seems it is eating up my other extra-curricular activities.
For the time being my I need to rethink and refocus my priorities in getting back to shape again.
Copyright 2011 - 2013 . Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Tips to GMs and PSPs / Personal Finance 101: 10 Tips on how to smartly spend, save and invest on your hard-earned money.
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Have you ever always felt broke
no money in your pocket and tired on how to make both ends meet?
You are not alone in this dilemma
in which I have experienced it on first hand when I was starting out as a young
professional just out of college and no career plans and experience of personal
finance and handling my own money in the early 2000s. Just had one thing on
mind, to spend cash on things I can own or boast around.
Smart spending has not have touch
ground in the Philippines, most kids would rather spend on the latest toys,
gadgets and other non-essential to play and boasts around. Even adult would
spend lavishly on anything without thinking the repercussion of it by feeling
the hard pains when the time that bills on your credit card and the utility or
the creditors also known as the 5-6 guys are banging your front door of your
home asking to repay as soon as possible.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
A Cautionary Tale for the ESCORTS and GMs alike!
This is a clip from Tobi of Burgos Street - A Cautionary Tale from Youtbe. Although This video material doesn't belong to me. It did caught my attention on a randomly searching for something on my research. She is a familiar face within the streets of P. Burgos's Makati's Entertainment Area if ever I get a chance to pass around the area with my officemates or boss on one occassion. She is wondering aimlessly and walking around in circles searching for money or things she could use for daily living?
Monday, June 3, 2013
Hot Women who Can play their instruments...
Who says men are the only ones who can play and fire up their musical instruments?
Well women can do it as well.
Well women can do it as well.
Kaori Kobayashi - Hot Japanese Jazz Musician
For classical strings fan, the BOND a quartet of viola, cello and violin players from United Kingdom and Australia have invaded the Philippines back in the early 2000s with one of their famous works of the late composers of the bygone era. It is a combination of classical with a twist of electronica and modern genre of music which is atypical with most younger generation listening to this genre. They are considered gems of the Pop-classical music where they stayed on top of their music for the past decade. You might think of them as hot blond bimbos or brunettes with "no brainers" but I can assure you they are really intelligent and musically inclined ladies.
This girl is on fire - Alicia Keys.
This hot sultry, award-winning one of a kind pianist / singer is one hot ticket you can sure enjoy in listening with her songs. She is in the top of her game when her first single and album when out of the market busting lots of chart topping songs in the early 2000s to the present. This artist was truly educated with classical music combined with her glee and soulful voice to match in making her number one in the female R & B, Hip-hop, Pop and soul category.
These are just a few women I admire very much with their craft and artistry. It will difficult not to hear or listen to their music. Music is the universal language of all people.
Copyright 2011-2013. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
PSYchedlic world of PSY!
I am not really a fan of PSY but he's songs are just simplistic and not much of fanfare to make. Truly he catches the attention of the public and the world. But truly, if you can dance this tune in front of women they might laugh at you but at least outperform anybody else in a crowd if ever there will a beatdown in the dance crowd especially the Gangnam Style of last year which broke the record against Call me, Maybe!.
Women like these are truly seductive in my opinion. It catches my imagination with them. They say dancers are great in bed as well? I am not sure if this true or accurate but may be some of readers of the blog can share insights of this article. Below is Waveya - a Korean all-female dance group dancing on the tune of Psy's Gentleman which was released a month ago.
Copyright 2011 - 2013. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, May 13, 2013
GM Experience: Dating with Intellectual type college educated students
For many average Juan like us, it is a very awkward to get to meet and greet a beautiful young lady with intellectual wits and sophisticated charms that could amaze any man. It will be a turn off or a challenge for every man on dealing with ladies who do geek speak or nerd language or techie types. However, be warned the may look like ugly person or somewhat dimwits with the jock type of people who considered them outcasts in typically U.S. mainstream TV but they do rule the world.
Anyways, there are things you need you should know as ordinary men if ever you get entangled with intellectual type of women and if really want to take the plunge and challenge yourself. For me, women with beauty and brains are really my weakness and their conversation on any topic of interest is mind stimulating as well meaning I really do desire to have one with them.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The Underage PSP incident on one famous investigative journalism show!
Last Saturday, I received an SMS from a friend that somethings about to happen on TV during the primetime show of Mike Enriquez's Imbestigador. I was on drinking spree with my friend when she sent me a message that a famous forum site had been used by law enforcement agency in gathering information and establishing entrapment operation by the perpetrator. The guy who was peddling the underage PSP is a famous pimp known as "W.B." in the digital world of most forum with sexual content.
Although I never knew the dude personally, I felt really sorry for him in doing bad things against underage girls which lead to prostitution in technicality. It seem ironic that a penalty for his action in breaking the law. Laws that protect women from this act namely are REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7610 and Republic Act No. 9231 which was amended on R.A. 7610 respectively.
For those who did not what happened in this latest episode of award winning investigative journalist.
The full video available below:
Copyright 2011-2013. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
Although I never knew the dude personally, I felt really sorry for him in doing bad things against underage girls which lead to prostitution in technicality. It seem ironic that a penalty for his action in breaking the law. Laws that protect women from this act namely are REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7610 and Republic Act No. 9231 which was amended on R.A. 7610 respectively.
For those who did not what happened in this latest episode of award winning investigative journalist.
The full video available below:
Copyright 2011-2013. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, April 15, 2013
GM Experience: Impostors, Posers and Social Fraudster in Digital Age
"An impostor (also spelled imposter or, in early usage imposture) is a person who pretends to be somebody else, often to try to gain financial or social advantages through social engineering, but just as often for purposes of espionage or law enforcement" (from Wikipedia)".
A week ago, I have received a report or private message from a anonymous PSP which was very unusual when I haven't inquired or asked question on one forum site. She mentioned that someone was using my pen name recently in order to gain the trust of the lady. However, the so called Mr. D. ******** was sending some text which is the usual inquiry of gentlemen until such time that he was sending some weird text or SMS.
The impostor is inviting her for a date at that time. He mentioned that they go off to his pad and do some recreational things which the anonymous PSP is doubtful and declined the offer other than the pleasurable things two people do behind close doors.
The impostor is inviting her for a date at that time. He mentioned that they go off to his pad and do some recreational things which the anonymous PSP is doubtful and declined the offer other than the pleasurable things two people do behind close doors.
Anyways, The anonymous PSP did not believe in his devious antics and ways because she was cautious enough to do some protocols and in which it has become a waste of text load in entertain the impostor.
The impostor or poser mentioned and bragged some things about that I would say personal and should be kept for himself. What didn't like most that he mentioned that I was a drug user in which I really had disdain moment because I hadn't touch prohibited drugs in my adult life. I felt disgusted on myself of doing drugs just to gain self-confidence wherein I do not need those things which can harm me mentally, physically and emotionally since I am living clean for a decade now and retired from the scene since 2009.
I reported the matter to administrator of the forum about this through private conferencing. He mentioned that this will hard to detect or investigate because the anonymous PSP was unable to save the messages in which she deleted instantly because it was eating up her phone memory. The cellphone number was not saved because it takes to much space in the cell phone and her phonebook's memory is limited as well.
Policing the ranks of rowdy men would be hard thing to do. It will require manpower to do so but then of course. Sanctions or penalties should be given to perpetrators but due diligence would be done before convicting such person on being ostracize on impersonating someone who has no knowledge on himself for his own benefit.
I am hoping that this incident would be serve as a lesson and warning for all who intend to impersonate someone without his / her knowledge for his / her benefit.
The impostor or poser mentioned and bragged some things about that I would say personal and should be kept for himself. What didn't like most that he mentioned that I was a drug user in which I really had disdain moment because I hadn't touch prohibited drugs in my adult life. I felt disgusted on myself of doing drugs just to gain self-confidence wherein I do not need those things which can harm me mentally, physically and emotionally since I am living clean for a decade now and retired from the scene since 2009.
I reported the matter to administrator of the forum about this through private conferencing. He mentioned that this will hard to detect or investigate because the anonymous PSP was unable to save the messages in which she deleted instantly because it was eating up her phone memory. The cellphone number was not saved because it takes to much space in the cell phone and her phonebook's memory is limited as well.
Policing the ranks of rowdy men would be hard thing to do. It will require manpower to do so but then of course. Sanctions or penalties should be given to perpetrators but due diligence would be done before convicting such person on being ostracize on impersonating someone who has no knowledge on himself for his own benefit.
I am hoping that this incident would be serve as a lesson and warning for all who intend to impersonate someone without his / her knowledge for his / her benefit.
Copyright 2011 - 2013 . Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
GM Experience: Taking the Rare Opportunities!
I still remember the days when I was a very naughty young boy. Fascinated with women and having the pleasure of seeing a sexy lady entices me with such fantasy especially when seeing a lady you like for example your school crush or just a luscious lady you randomly encounter or seen them in girly or celebrity magazine. I do really appreciate beautiful women or women with a body to die for.
Opportunity in viewing is a rare occurrence for all of us. If there is a time that you need to strike then do it but make it look clean. Getting yourself caught from somebody else if you plan to do this type of covert actions would be a big mishap on yourself.
Such a wonderful view to see such a lovely lady with a curvacious body to match which was quite a bit awkward when you don't how your body works when you are still young.
Such a nice view brother.
Copyright 2013. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
GM Experience: WISH!
Sexy Videos involving sex and relationship. I see myself reminiscing in such things like these. It kept me alive for the past few years with the nostalgia of having someone around me. I am on and off relationship with women but lately I am still single and but not looking.
Some of my friends say, I dwell too much on past. I tell them directly that I am not really. In the past relationship I just learned a great deal of things on how to be cautious in being a relationship and besides relationship is not just mere sex and I still believe in love, mutual understanding, strong friendship and many others which many of you might is a bit corny for a man like me.
I have based my beliefs on women's standpoint on men at times. Still the song, lyrics and videos shows a lot of failed relationship, envy, lust and other things you might consider so melodramatic but I consider myself balanced.
The Rhythm and Blues genre is still produces songs that are truly based on experiences by the artist such these examples by Carl Thomas and Kenny Lattimore. Truly I missed a lot of the late 1990s to early 2000s songs.
Just sharing my thoughts on this. Feel free to comment, ladies and gentlemen.
Copyright 2011 - 2013 . Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, April 1, 2013
On Gay, Lesbians and other people!

Being asked if you are open-minded, have notion of being gay or being converted into one of them.
Although I never have a thought of doing this in my entire life. My machismo self is still intact and still happy in being with the ladies. I am just a quiet guy on my personal life and not a closet gay or whatever they call it.
To tell you frankly, I have no pun against them because I do have friends or colleagues at work who are openly gay and they are happy as what they say. I just don't like being asked about my sexuality as a "heterosexual man" when they already know I am a "MAN" and not gay just because I am single and not in a relationship means I am gay? I am just a plain gentleman who is secretive and living a machismo life in the digital life as a sex expert dealing with loose women. I just don't like being harassed by gay men especially with questions which is embarrassing as well.
I had such a bad or terrible of experience of being hounded by a throng of these lady boys because I was a cute chubby kid back then and got pinched in the face but I fought back against and merely escaped my life after that incident in the early 1990s which is another story.
Funny, I am admired by men on what I shared my sexual escapades and experiences a couple of years ago which I presumed to be trial or error period depending on the scenarios they had. I gave them the experience of empowerment on how to deal with their manly problem and shared some of my insights as well.
Even if their kind are rising in numbers. It seems everything on their thoughts and influence is trending with this new lifestyle they like. It reflects on how the environmental factors attributed through influences from media. Gay Marriage might become the in thing but I doubt it if it will be today or in the next 20 years or so?
I never like being cried foul if I am sometimes against them and their principles which in my opinion not acceptable in my social norms but they are humans and do have their basic rights and privilege as we have too.
Copyright 2011-2013. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, March 25, 2013
GM Experience: An Affair to Remember (One Night Stand Sex!)
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I have been in a long hiatus and haven't posting for quite some time now.
That I have miss the game a lot ever since I left this hobby a couple of years ago. Been busy with my new life nowadays of being a good person, having a new job and finishing studies I am doing then but still have some tempting thoughts of sinning again with women especially with more younger ladies which I haven't doing lately.
I never expected that younger PSPs or MPAs would like to see and have been accustomed with the way I treat them as gentleman and being a friend at times with them when I meet them on a friendly date (minus sex). The more younger ladies (18 to 22 years old) have more challenging to please for early 30s bloke like me even if I have the looks, the brains, cash and thoughts and it boils down into being a gentleman.
Recently I dated a young mid-20s PSP wannabe who wants to try this trade but I told her she would be good enough in working in a decent part-time job other than being a PSP because it has become a dog-eat-dog world. Indeed, the PSPs have very competitive with rising number of young women wanting to ply the trade because of personal reasons other than poverty, support education and usual stuff and have been in social media or even in private sex forum in the world wide web. It is easy money indeed.
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