Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Using Religious Pawn as a Shield!

Last friday's rally of protesting was very compelling but irritating to many commuters. It shows how this unruly people are being used by their masters. I was lucky enough not to pass that area along EDSA Shrine. It was a lucky choice not go through hell around Ortigas area where I would be stopped by horrendous traffic of vehicles and sea of people. The said incident have irked a lot of commuters and even car owners stucked that day. It  will definitely bleed your gas money.

Yesterday, during our morning round discussion over breakfast. I was able to ask one of my friends who is an INC member. He mentioned to me that "Yes, there should be a separation of state and there should be religious freedom but in his opinion he mentioned that the dismissed ministers were not detained in their complex but were given a fair trial before removing them from their rosters of ministers after finding some irregularities with them. The said ministers complained to the Department of Justice about the ordeal they faced in the INC Complex in Quezon City and have filed complaints of illegal detention and grave threats including taunts from judges who are followers of this religious sect. He also mentioned that why did they didn't file their cases in the lower courts or even in the regional trial courts when they just directed it to Department of Justice Secretary Leila de Lima herself. In my opinion, they were very afraid of the flak they will from judges who are INC members and were threaten with such action fearing for their lives.

Another angle speculated by my INC member / friend that this was politically motivated by the government to stop them from voting by block voting system. Who gives a damn of block voting anyway. I'd rather not vote for this really traditional politician type of a man who really doesn't show love for this country but for his own personal agenda and his deep pockets.

I am not amused on what is happening with this religious sect. You are Filipinos and you are bound by the Philippine laws and constitution. What is important here is that the claims of the dismissed ministers should be examined and investigated rather than hitting the government or other innocent bystander with very ridiculous conclusions.

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