Today the PSEi or Philippine Stock Exchange Index or the Phisix (for the older gents) had reached beyond 7,300 as of this writing and breaching possible beyond 7,400 points. Looking back in memory lane. It has been six years when I did my first take in the local bourse. To tell you frankly, I have no idea on how to invest in the stock market back then. I did have excess money and made a blind decision to partake in this eventful time in my investing life. I was beginning my journey as personal finance follower on growing my funds for the purpose of saving up for my education, a small time business, a condo unit, a car and at the same time building a
slush fund for my other pleasurable activities. I was totally happy and amazed on the exponential gains on how my money grew from a few pesos to thousands of pesos in a span of four and half years till the joyride of riding the bull was over when that well-known manufacturing companies of spirit and intoxicating drinks decided to get delisted from the stock exchange.
Five years after, I was devastated to learn that company announced it's decision to pullout its presence in the Philippine Stock Exchange and would buy back it shares from small investors like me. I did had a heartbreak on the money I lost. Hardly seen my expectation go into ruins. To many finance experts say it is a paper loss. Yes it may be a paper loss for me but it was truly disappointment for me as a newbie investor in this big ocean full of danger. I did spread my investment portfolio with a balanced fund or hybrid investment fund with a mutual fund company back then if any tragic things happen.