A few months ago, I made a post on the plight of PSPs who went to this realm and I was wondering what are the possible ways they can earn their college degree in a very short span of time with less money to shell out. I had this idea of doing some research on the internet and saw a lot of distance learning education accredited by various learning organizations including Commission of Higher Education (CHED). It was a sigh of relief if someone who was forced to stop her education with this circumstances like financial crisis, family problem and other related issues.
A couple of weeks ago, I did received a private message in a famous social media site, it was a indecent proposal with a discrete PSPs who was looking for some generous benefactors to finance their education in which she was taking a very technical course relating to import and export of goods and service in one of the few universities located in Manila. I did not reply back because I am cannot finance her needs and wants for a short period of pleasurable moments.
I was a viewing Facebook Page comment of one AV Idol I liked a few days ago after watching some of her erotic clips on the "Fake Taxi", a European-based porn site. I chanced upon one of her works with this Porn site which usually operates in United Kingdom and Czech Republic. This AV Idol works overseas as a pornographic actress and travels to and from Japan and United States or elsewhere around the globe. Anyways, I got interested with her and the tons of photo of her and what her views about being in the Japanese and US porn industry.She is the first Japanese to venture into the US porn industry.
As of this writing, there are an probably 4000 dead people in Western Africa and counting. The Philippines is spared and no Overseas Filipino Worker including our Philippine military personnel working as UN peacekeepers in those hard hit countries were infected with the Ebola Virus. The virus already reached Europe and North America which affected a number of healthcare workers particular nurses caring for the sick who contracted the disease.
Back in college, one of my favorite topics was Virology under the Microbiology class we were taking in pre-medical college course. Ebola is considered a weapon grade bio-terrorists weapon of choice if they could acquire this deadly disease killing millions in the whole world wreaking havoc and despair. The info graphics from Center For Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA show below how Ebola Virus is transmitted, the signs and symptoms and other information pertaining to this illness.
If you care for your loved ones who are either working as OFWs in the African continent. Try to pass this information to them. Knowledge is very useful nowadays. To read more on Ebola Virus visit this link.
Silent Operator Dan, is 30
something heterosexual male. A part-time blogger, adult scene observer / patron
and a frustated writer of some sort although he was a former editor-in-chief of
his college newspaper. He currently resides somewhere out of the realm of the
city limits and dabbles in high finance and business. You can catch him at http://theconfessionsofayoungman.blogspot.com. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook.
Copyright 2011. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
It has been in the news lately that a former man turned into a transgender woman was killed by a U.S. military personnel on his rest and recreation in Olongapo City recently. It has been sensationalized by the media, the women's right group, LBTG community and the communist cohorts playing as party list members representing leftist movement.
To tell you frankly, I am not against but I do not support LBTG and women's right groups which I know balance the political atmosphere of our nation. I am much against the commies or so called leftist party list playing around the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) and Enhanced Cooperative Defense Agreement (EDCA) between United States and the Philippines against possible invasion of Chinese Forces (Chicom) which is actually happening in our economy (flooding our markets with cheap goods which are dangerous and also of low quality) in terms of use of these toys, industrial equipment, cars, motorcycles etc. other than the invasion of some parts of Spratly's Island and Bajo de Masinloc which part of the Philippines Exclusive Economic Zone (Subic Freeport) and very far from Hainan Islands in Southern China.
I begin to wonder why is this transgender woman named Jeffrey Laude aka Jennifer was going out with other men? Was Jeffrey /Jennifer a Prostitute?(see GRP article ). Why was she in the hotel or lodge? Was he or she doing his transaction online? I was shocked to learn that he or she was supposed get married in a few months time in Thailand with German fiance of two years (see report from Inquirer).
Why did the U.S. Marine killed Jeffrey? Was it really a hate crime? Alleged theft or attempted robbery gone bad perpetrated by the victim? Or just plain shame of being duped of this intoxicated young man having sex with a man as well, unbeknownst to him that he is a "ladyboy".
To many angles, to many speculations. I have my opinions and you might have yours until the investigation is finally over. But if the US Marine is found guilty with his crime I'd rather see him rot in a U.S. military prison and serve hard labor at Fort Leavenworth or any US military prison the than rot in ours because we cannot accommodate them here if convicted to serve their time. The law should apply to ours and to United States Uniform Code of Military Justice.
On VFA - EDCA treaties. These should be not removed just because of this small incident by the commies or else we will be sitting ducks again. Just my opinion, to cover the gray areas and amend some provision of this agreements and treaties. Our country's external is already at risk and on threat with the devious plot of an imminent Chinese invasion even if the pivot to Pacific by the U.S. forces is already in progress and we know that the United States owes China trillions of dollars in debt.
Silent Operator Dan, is 30
something heterosexual male. A part-time blogger, adult scene observer / patron
and a frustated writer of some sort although he was a former editor-in-chief of
his college newspaper. He currently resides somewhere out of the realm of the
city limits and dabbles in high finance and business. You can catch him at http://theconfessionsofayoungman.blogspot.com. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook.
Copyright 2011 - 2014. Confessions of Young Man. All Rights Reserved.
TRADE CRAFT - It was inadvertantly term used among the spy agency particularly the Central Intelligence Agency of USA, MI6 of United Kingdom and Mossad of Israeli Intelligence. I was reading about a document pertaining to its classical form of Intelligence gathering and analysis. This may sound like a James Bond or Jack Ryan type of action involving espionage, assassination and sabotage just to name a few. However, this is much of pick-up artist type of moves even though I may not be a James Bond type of guy.
Back in the days, my trade craft is not that at par with some of the masters in the online world. I was a student in the early years (circa 2004 to 2006) learning some of the insights and some open secret and best of all the information passed on to us aspirants or novice. I learned a lot from the masters who were out there in my early years in this hobby. I got to know a lot of their skills and expertise through their posts and sometimes through their conversation on online chats or even private message on the social forum sites they are involved with.