I never knew the reason why some of these hapless individual especially a parent or a loved one asking me questions especially when that person died of a tragic death without leaving a note or anything to say his reason. I can share to you one experience when one of my former student who committed suicide at their home which happened more than a year ago. His parents, friends, colleagues and loved ones were so very anxious and saddened that their son and friend died of a tragic demise and are seeking answers to all the questions that were unanswered. No clues, no note what so ever with his newly bought mobile phone has no telltale sign whatsoever of a leaving something behind. He even inactivated his Facebook account a few hours before he committed suicide and said his last farewell to his 8 year old niece. Sad and tragic
Back in 2006, a high school batch mate and one my first few friends in elementary committed suicide at their home. He hanged himself in the bathroom of their home. Tied in a Many were shocked about the incident. My friends would tell me he was doing fine on his break-up with his ex-girlfriend. I did not know the reason why he needs to kill himself because it was not the end of the world if their relationship gone into SPLITVILLE. I guess he got to depressed and he couldn't let go of the emotions and feelings which he still has in himself. Maybe he had no friends to talk to or just lost his mind on her ex-girlfriend.